Home Technology ChatGPT User Base is not that High, Survey States

ChatGPT User Base is not that High, Survey States

by Tosin Ajayi

ChatGPT has been an extraordinary breakthrough in the field of conversational artificial intelligence since its launch. With its language generation capabilities and ability to understand and respond to a wide range of topics, ChatGPT has revolutionized the way people interact with AI. It has become an indispensable tool for various applications, from providing information and answering questions to offering creative writing suggestions and engaging in natural, human-like conversations. Since its launch, ChatGPT has continued to evolve and improve, making strides towards more coherent, context-aware responses and establishing itself as a formidable force in the field of AI-powered conversations. However, an interesting statistic has surfaced that somewhat argues the impact ChatGPT continues to have on the AI world.

Only 19% of Sampled people had used ChatGPT, Less than 10% had used Bard

The recent survey conducted in April, which gathered insights from 2,000 individuals, sheds light on the current landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and chatbot usage. Surprisingly, the study reveals that only 19 percent of people who responded had utilized the ChatGPT chatbot, while a mere 9 percent had engaged with Google’s Bard chatbot. Furthermore, a significant majority of those who hadn’t used chatbots expressed their reluctance to adopt these tools within the next six months, indicating that the supposed “brainwash” of the public is a mere hoax.


Experts and analysts from Morgan Stanley emphasize that it is crucial for investors to recognize the nascent stage of chatbot technology. Presently, chatbots are primarily being used for acquiring knowledge on new subjects, and they are not effectively making users money. For instance, when it comes to online shopping, comparing prices, and making purchases, the number of users employing chatbots remains alarmingly low. However, these particular sectors hold the potential to drive advertising revenue for companies in the future.

AI’s influence on e-commerce and travel sectors presents opportunities for revenue growth. Businesses can leverage AI to deliver more accurate and personalized search and recommendation services. According to the survey, 56 percent of respondents stated that they would initially resort to Google Search, YouTube, or Bard while shopping online. A lot of things will have to change if ChatGPT has to derail Google from the throne of Search Engines. Meanwhile, it will be interesting how ChatGPT will evolve in the near-future to drive those usage statistics up.

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