Though it may seem so, you’re not destined for failure. Even if you’ve started and stopped countless times before, you can still make weight loss happen. By putting some important skills to use, you will find it a little easier to stay motivated, stick to your weight loss efforts and reach your goal weight.

5 ways to stay motivated when you’re tempted to cheat on your diet

Here are 5 ways to stay motivated when you’re tempted to cheat on your diet and fitness routine.

1 Set goals and keep track of your journey

Whether you keep a spreadsheet on your computer or simply write down your stats in a notebook, keeping an eye on your progress will help to keep you motivated. By looking back at how far you’ve come, you’re less likely to revert to old habits.

Careful record-keeping includes closely monitoring portion sizes. Eating the right amount of food is the most important key to long-term weight management.

Eating the right portion sizes of healthy food and snacks can mean the difference between long-term weight loss success and eventual failure. Keeping a food diary is the best way to keep on top of what you’re eating.

2 Don’t forget to reward yourself

One of the best ways to stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey is to reward yourself without using food.

Discover what it is that makes you happy, without food,and set it up as a reward for reaching small goals along the way.

3 Tackle the reasons behind your failures

Emotionaleating could be a trigger for you and prevent you from losing weight

To achieve long-term weight success, you will have to deal with triggered eating habits by asking some important questions: Do you overeat when you’re angry? Do you splurge on an extra serving of dessert when you’re feeling frustrated or sad?

Being honest with yourself is the only way to get the true measure of your food triggers. Without facing them, you will always be less likely to be in control of your weight.

4 Be prepared in case you ARE tempted

There will always be people who encourage you to go off your diet “just this once.” That’s not really a problem until this one time keeps happening over and over again. If every time you see someone you go off your diet, it may mean you need to distance yourself or have a serious talk with them about your weight loss efforts.

Try planning non-food activities with loved ones and work hard to resist temptation when you’re in an environment where food is part of the festivities.

5 Think about how it will affect your health

Lots of people are losing weight for their health and it can have a significant impact on health and overall quality of life.

Appearances fade. Compliments about your weight loss will die down. Once you’ve been a certain size for a while, the thrill of trying on the clothes in your new wardrobe will start to dwindle. Shopping outside a plus size store will only be exciting only for so long.

So, talk to your doctor and ask how losing just a small amount of weight can change your health.