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We’ve been hearing the statement “Health is wealth” since our childhood. However, not all of us are acquainted with its literal meaning. It means that no matter how wealthy you are, if we are not healthy, there is nothing we can cherish in life.

People are suffering from overweight, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart diseases, kidney problems and so many other unknown problems, and a lot of these problems occur because of our lifestyle. Whats the point if you can afford to go to a luxurious 5 star hotel for lunch but cant eat there because of your health. Or you can’t enjoy a drink with your friends once in a while simply because you over did drinking during your younger days? Money means nothing when it doesn’t afford you the time and means to spend it on yourself and your loved ones. Staying healthy therefore becomes a necessity. Even a little money is sufficient, if you have your health support your run with good times!

Here are some tips on how to stay healthy.

Health Tips for Women: 10 Tips to Stay Healthy

1. Take Care Of Food

Avoid unhealthy food that is high in calories. They gradually take a toll on your health leading to weight gain, heart diseases and cholesterol. Eat seasonal fruits that are rich in fibers, vitamins and proteins. Nobody asks you ban those delicious desserts all together at the every beginning. But a little moderation at the beginning can ensure that you never reach the stage where you can’t have it anymore. Make it a point to eat healthy stay healthy.

2. Breakfast Is A Must


Never skip breakfast, our metabolic rate decreases leading to weight gain and digestion problems. Breakfast increases concentration, helps us focus better and controls weight.

3. Washing your hands. And then washing them again. And again. And again. And…

Hand sanitizers were invented for a reason. If your hands are dirty, you clean them. But after that you STOP. You have to. If you keep feeding your hands with sanitizers just like a loving mom feeds her baby with plain yogurt, ..err..mm..okay, didn’t get the punchline now. But still, it’s not a healthy practice.

Research says that limited germ exposure is actually good as it builds immunity and an overly sterile environment is not good at all.

*Come on. You are living inside a house; not in an Intensive Care Unit*

4. Avoid Mindless Eating

You are hungry, you eat. You are bored, you eat. You are angry, you eat. And you are lazy to do your chores, you eat again. Unless otherwise you have plans of getting shifted to a hospital permanently, DON’T do this.

Eat when you are hungry. As simple as that. Your stomach isn’t a dump-yard in which you can allow your emotional appetite to dispose its junk cravings. Eat only when you are hungry. And make sure it is only healthy food you are taking in. Eating just because food is there stacked inside the fridge, and that too being completely oblivious of what you are eating, can be dangerous.

5. Check The Nutrition Labels


Even I know what nutritional labels are. No big deal. But what most of us don’t know is to read them whenever we buy anything edible. All we do is fill the trolley with whatever that comes to our hand. Just like we have the evergreen habit of avoiding them, nutritional labels have the evergreen habit of telling us what the food contains. And mind you. They are ruthlessly honest.
They give us a clear picture about how good those ‘natural’ or ‘low fat’ foods we get attracted to are.

6. Avoid Pessimistic Thinking


This, by far, is the most poisonous drug ever known to humanity. The irony is that it is self-induced. And the misfortune is that the person who is thinking negative doesn’t know they are doing so. We are so habituated to destructive thinking patterns that rarely we realize what we are doing to ourselves. Developing an optimistic attitude can alter your life in amazing ways. Most of the things around aren’t as bad as they seem to be. It is just your mind playing the dirty trick.

7. Balanced Diet

Incorporating proteins, minerals, iron, vitamins, calcium, carbs and fat (good fat) in your daily diet is very necessary. Fruits, vegetables, lean meat, poultry, milk, whole grain foods make a balanced diet.

8. Late Night Meals

Having meals on time is as important as having a healthy meal. Having meals at-least a couple of hours before you hit the bed prevent obesity and other severe health complications. Also, late night snacking might result in indigestion which interferes with your sleep.

9. Exercise

Exercise is a must, workouts, aerobics, walking or jogging regulates heart rate giving you more energy to work hard through the day. Exercise early in the morning won’t make you feel lazy in the day. It improves blood circulation and releases muscle tension giving.





Source: http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/health-is-wealth-10-simple-tips-to-stay-healthy/#gref

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