Home News Meghan Markle addresses her new Nigerian title in an emotional letter: ‘I treasure the name with grace’

Meghan Markle addresses her new Nigerian title in an emotional letter: ‘I treasure the name with grace’

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Last month, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex made a special trip to Nigeria, a trip that has deep roots in Meghan Markle’s recent discovery of Nigerian heritage. During their visit, the couple visited Iwo, where Meghan received a distinguished honour.

Oluwu of Iwo presented Meghan with a traditional chieftainship, which was presented by Oba Abdulroshid Akanbi, the traditional ruler of Nigerian society. He was also given Meghan the Yoruba name Adetokunbo.

Following this special traditional Chieftaincy Title, Meghan expressed her gratitude in a heartfelt letter to Oba Akanbi. The letter goes like this, “Your Imperial Majesty, Thank you for your warm welcome to Nigeria. I am deeply humbled by your blessing of the traditional Yoruba name, Adetokunbo. I treasure the name and appreciate your trust in me to carry it with grace and dignity.” (Western Post first reported this letter)

“Our visit to Nigeria was important for many reasons, but not least because it gave us an opportunity to explore and understand my heritage, which extends to our children. We look forward to coming back home one day.” Meghan signed off the letter, which bore her official cypher, as Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.

The former royal couple’s visit wasn’t limited to royal ceremonies

The Sussexes also visited a local school, where Meghan shared her reflections with People magazine.

“I saw myself in them,” she said, referring to the students.

“I see the potential in all of these young girls—and, by the way, in these young boys as well. It’s what we see in our own children—to give them that promise and excitement for their futures.”

Prince Harry also shared his thoughts on the visit expressing, “Trips are about us being able to go out and go and focus on the things that mean so much to us,” and the real change comes from “being on the ground.”

The Sussexes’ visit to Nigeria aligns with their foundation’s mission, Archewell. Recently, Archewell partnered with the Geanco Foundation to lead surgical missions, promote maternal health, and provide scholarships to young female victims of terrorism in Nigeria.

Reflecting on their charity work, Meghan highlighted their overarching goal through Archewell: to “show up, do good,” and their commitment to “taking action and using our unparalleled spotlight to uplift and unite communities.”

Source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/meghan-markle-addresses-her-new-nigerian-title-in-an-emotional-letter-i-treasure-the-name-with-grace-101717278733325.html

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