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With the holiday upon us, there are so many travel destinations to explore.  The Island country, Iceland, is a great vacation hotspot to visit as there are many destinations within its borders.

Take a dive into the Blue Lagoon. Iceland is home to the clearest water bodies. The warm waters of the Blue Lagoon are rich in minerals which helps to cure skin diseases like psoriasis.

The Blue Lagoon also as a research facility to help find cures for other skin diseases using the mineral-rich water.

Watch the Gullfoss which means golden falls. The falls is sure to keep you in awe. Visit the Þingvellir National Park in Iceland and enjoy nature in its purest form.

Þingvellir National Park was listed as a World Heritage Site in 2004.

Go on a hiking trail or camping experience at the Þingvellir National Park. The National park is one of the tourist destinations in the Golden Circle.

Northern Lights Iceland

Photo Travel Leisure

Observe the Northern Lights in Iceland. The beautiful skies are visible for eight months in a year, from early September to the end of April. You can also view this incredible lights in Norway, northern Canada especially in Yellowknife, Finland and Alaska.

Take a drive through the Ring road of Iceland. You can take a detour to popular towns in north Iceland like  Dettifoss, Húsavík, Ásbyrgi, Siglufjörður and Hofsós when driving on the Ring road.

Take a swim in the clearest water on the planet with a  underwater visibility of over 100 meters. Try scuba diving in the Silfra at Iceland and observe aquatic animals and plant.

Take advantage of the weather by going snowmobiling. Take a tour in Iceland by snowmobiling on Europe’s second largest glacier.

Explore the many lava caves in Iceland.

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